Guarda (ciudad); Guardas; Guardar; Guardiana; Guardianes; Guardianas; Guardesa
= fly-leaf [fly-leaves, -pl.], attendant, paste-down, park attendant, paper paste-down, guard, vigilante, gamekeeper, security officer, security officer.
Ex: These books he bound up in three volumes, and on the fly leaf of the first volume wrote his name.
Ex: Other libraries allow bags to be brought in but an attendant is employed to check the contents as the reader leaves the library.
Ex: Their purpose was, as paste-downs, to reinforce the joints of the covers and, as flyleaves, to give additional protection to the end pages of the book.
Ex: Slake was disturbed in his daydream by shouts from the park attendant.
Ex: A strip of paper or vellum was pasted on to the spine to reinforce it, and a skin of the right size was stuck down over the spine and the outside of both boards, the overlapping edges being turned in and secured inside the boards under a paper paste-down.
Ex: A guard is a strip of paper, muslin, or other thin material used to attach or reinforce leaves or inserts in books, permitting bending.
Ex: In a complex social mechanism librarians were often the most active vigilantes.
Ex: Both particularly fancied the idea of Hughes as gamekeeper and bard of the primitive urges, whose animal magnetism drives women mad.
Ex: Guards, who are also called security officers, patrol and inspect property to protect against fire, theft, vandalism, terrorism, and illegal activity.
Ex: Guards, who are also called security officers, patrol and inspect property to protect against fire, theft, vandalism, terrorism, and illegal activity.
* ángel de la guarda = guardian angel.
* casa del guarda = lodge.
* guarda de los aparcamientos O.R.A. = meter maid.
* guarda de seguridad = security patrol, security officer, security officer.
* guarda forestal = wildlife manager, gamekeeper, forestry official.
* guardas = endpapers.
* guardas de la contratapa = lining papers.
* hoja de guarda = fly-leaf [fly-leaves, -pl.].